乌克兰部队在库尔斯克发现了朝鲜战术手册,详述了无人机反措施和炮火规避。 Ukrainian forces discover North Korean tactics manual detailing drone countermeasures and artillery evasion in Kursk.
乌克兰特种作战部队在库尔斯克地区发现北朝鲜特种部队军官的一本死亡笔记本,详细说明了使用活饵打击无人机和避免炮击的战术。 Ukraine's Special Operations Forces found a dead North Korean special forces officer's notebook in the Kursk region, detailing tactics for fighting drones using live bait and avoiding artillery strikes. 该方法涉及一个三人小组,其中一名士兵充当吸引无人驾驶飞机的诱饵,而其他士兵则从远处射击。 The method involves a three-man team, with one soldier acting as bait to attract drones, while others shoot from a distance. 笔记本还概述了躲避炮火射击的战略。 The notebook also outlines strategies to evade artillery fire. 事件表明北朝鲜继续卷入冲突,据报有3 000多名北朝鲜士兵死亡或受伤。 The incident suggests ongoing North Korean involvement in the conflict, with over 3,000 North Korean soldiers reportedly killed or wounded.