乌克兰抓获两名北朝鲜士兵,声称有证据证明他们与俄罗斯部队有牵连。 Ukraine captures two North Korean soldiers, claiming proof of their involvement with Russian forces.
乌克兰抓获了两名北朝鲜士兵,他们在库尔斯克地区与俄罗斯军队并肩作战。 Ukraine has captured two North Korean soldiers who were fighting alongside Russian forces in the Kursk region. 这些受伤的士兵现在正在基辅接受乌克兰安全部门的盘问。 The soldiers, wounded and now in Kyiv, are being questioned by Ukrainian security services. 乌克兰总统沃洛季米尔(Volodymyr Zelenskyy)声称,这是北朝鲜参与冲突的证明。 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy claims this is proof of North Korea's involvement in the conflict. 所涉北朝鲜士兵的确切人数仍然不清楚,估计人数从1 000人到12 000多人不等。 The exact number of North Korean soldiers involved remains unclear, with estimates ranging from 1,000 to over 12,000. 这一捕捉提供了对俄罗斯军事行动的潜在了解。 The capture provides potential insight into Russia's military operations.