据报告,北朝鲜部队在遭受重大损失后从乌克兰前线的部分地区撤退。 North Korean troops have reportedly pulled back from parts of the front line in Ukraine after heavy losses.
据乌克兰军方消息称,北朝鲜部队在遭受重大伤亡后,暂时撤离俄罗斯库尔斯克地区前线部分地区。 North Korean troops have reportedly withdrawn temporarily from parts of the front line in Russia's Kursk region after suffering heavy casualties, according to Ukrainian military sources. 北朝鲜派来支援俄罗斯部队的部队据说非常忠诚,有些人选择引爆手榴弹,而不是被俘虏。 The troops, sent by North Korea to support Russian forces, are described as highly loyal, with some choosing to detonate grenades rather than be captured. 乌克兰部队注意到北朝鲜部队和俄罗斯部队因语言障碍而存在协调问题。 Ukrainian forces have noted coordination issues between North Korean and Russian troops due to language barriers. 韩国的情报表明,朝鲜可能派遣更多的部队来替代那些死伤者。 South Korea's intelligence suggests that North Korea may send more troops to replace those killed or injured.