2024年,英国和爱尔兰看到从洪水到雪的极端天气,在生动的PA图像中捕捉到。 In 2024, the UK and Ireland saw extreme weather, from floods to snow, captured in vivid PA images.
2024年,英国和爱尔兰经历了一系列天气事件,从洪水到暴风雪,都受到气候变化的影响。 In 2024, the UK and Ireland experienced a range of weather events, from flooding to snowstorms, influenced by climate change. PA 新闻社拍摄了著名的图像,包括诺福克被洪水淹没的道路、伦敦阳光下的埃及鹅、都柏林的雪和里士满公园的春花盛开。 The PA news agency captured notable images including a flooded road in Norfolk, an Egyptian goose in London's sunshine, snow in Dublin, and Richmond Park's spring bloom. 其他的亮点有默西赛德的北极光、南泰恩赛德的向日葵以及布里斯托尔的秋天景象。 Other highlights were the Northern Lights in Merseyside, sunflowers in South Tyneside, and autumn scenes in Bristol.