Türkiye的茶收成一直持续到12月,因为气温变暖,影响到主要的茶叶生产省份。 Türkiye's tea harvest extends into December due to warmer temperatures, affecting major tea-producing provinces.
由于气候变化,蒂尔基耶的茶叶收获首次延伸到12月。 Due to climate change, Türkiye is experiencing its tea harvest extending into December for the first time. 东黑海地区气温升高,收割期从3次增加到4次。 Warmer temperatures in the Eastern Black Sea region have increased the harvest period from three to four pluckings. 这一变化影响到Rize、Trabzon、Artvin和Giresun等省,约有100万个家庭将83万公顷土地用于种植茶叶。 This change affects provinces like Rize, Trabzon, Artvin, and Giresun, where 830,000 hectares of land are used for tea cultivation by about 1 million families.