印度茶叶业因成本上升及补贴延迟而寻求政府援助。 Indian tea industry seeks government aid due to rising costs and delayed subsidies.
印度茶叶业面临财政困难,已在一次高级别会议上寻求政府支持。 The Indian tea industry, facing financial troubles, has sought government support at a high-level meeting. 印度茶叶协会的代表强调了运输成本上升和延迟补贴等问题,这些问题影响到茶叶庄的流动性。 Representatives from the Indian Tea Association highlighted issues like rising shipment costs and delayed subsidies, impacting tea estates' liquidity. 尽管由于生产下降,茶叶价格在2021年上涨18%,但作物产量下降使收入受到打击。 Despite a 18% rise in tea prices in 2021 due to lower production, earnings have been hit by a decline in crop yield. 该部长强调高质量生产、遵守规定以及不再延长即将关闭的茶叶制造厂,但指出高质量的生产者可以申请豁免。 The minister emphasized quality production, compliance, and no extensions for upcoming tea manufacturing closures but noted high-quality producers could apply for exemptions.