在悉尼购物中心拳击日用刀袭击后,青少年住院治疗;警方寻找证人。 Teen hospitalized after Boxing Day knife attack at Sydney shopping center; police seek witnesses.
拳击日,一名17岁男孩在悉尼Westfield Parramatta购物中心遭到有目标的刀袭后,因非致命的刀伤住院。 A 17-year-old boy was hospitalized with non-life-threatening slash wounds after a targeted knife attack at Westfield Parramatta shopping center in Sydney on Boxing Day. 这次攻击是在辩论之后发生的,在地板上留下了多滴血滴。 The attack followed an argument and left multiple blood drops on the floor. 涉案的十名青年正在逃亡。 Ten youths involved are on the run. 警方正在进行调查,敦促证人站出来。 Police are investigating and urge witnesses to come forward.