一名17岁的男孩在伦敦Brixton附近,在新年节被刺伤,情况危急。 A 17-year-old boy was stabbed near Brixton, London, on New Year's Day and is in critical condition.
一名17岁男孩在伦敦Lambeth新年节在Ferndale路和Brixton路交口附近发生的一起刺伤事件中受重伤。 A 17-year-old boy was critically injured in a stabbing incident on New Year's Day in Lambeth, London, near the junction of Ferndale Road and Brixton Road. 在受害者被送到医院前,警方和紧急服务机构提供了援助,造成危及生命的伤害。 Police and emergency services provided aid before the victim was taken to the hospital with life-threatening injuries. 首都警察局正在调查 任何有情报的人 都会被敦促匿名联系警方或犯罪制止者 The Metropolitan Police are investigating, and anyone with information is urged to contact the police or Crimestoppers anonymously.