斯里兰卡纪念2004年海啸,有35 000人死亡,有象征性的火车停车点。 Sri Lanka commemorates 2004 tsunami, marking 35,000 deaths with a symbolic train stop.
在2004年海啸发生20周年之际,斯里兰卡的海洋女王快车列车在佩拉利亚停留,以纪念在该国造成35 000人死亡的灾难。 On the 20th anniversary of the 2004 tsunami, Sri Lanka's Ocean Queen Express train stopped in Peraliya to commemorate the disaster that killed over 35,000 in the country. 火车在载着大约1 000名乘客时遭到巨大波浪的撞击,在离海岸100米处被抛下。 The train, hit by massive waves while carrying about 1,000 passengers, was thrown 100 meters from the shore. 幸存者和亲属每年登上从科伦坡开来的火车,停靠在海滩边纪念碑上悼念埋葬在乱葬坑的受害者。 Survivors and relatives board the train annually from Colombo, stopping to pay respects at a beachside memorial for the victims buried in mass graves. 这次海啸是由苏门答腊岸外9.1级的地震引发的,全球造成226 408人丧生。 The tsunami, triggered by a 9.1-magnitude earthquake off Sumatra, claimed 226,408 lives globally.