智能城市技术提升安全和服务,但在美国各地引发隐私辩论。 Smart city technologies boost safety and services but spark privacy debates across the U.S.
智能城市技术,包括车牌阅读摄像机,正在美国各地推广,改善了服务和道路安全,但也引起了隐私问题。 Smart city technologies, including license plate reading cameras, are spreading across the U.S., improving services and road safety but raising privacy concerns. 虽然这些IoT装置有助于解决犯罪并改善交通流量,但广泛的数据收集和潜在的长期储存引起了关于隐私和公民自由的问题。 While these IoT devices help solve crimes and improve traffic flow, the extensive data collection and potential long-term storage raise questions about privacy and civil liberties. 象美国公民自由联盟这样的批评者警告说,由于数据使用和存取仍然不明确,有可能超量。 Critics like the ACLU warn of potential overreach, as data use and access remain unclear.