塞尔维亚派遣18名研究人员到中国接受绿色能源和生物医学的高级研究。 Serbia sends 18 researchers to China for advanced studies in green energy and biomedicine.
塞尔维亚发起了与中国的重大科学交流,根据一项三年期方案派遣18名研究人员到中国机构学习。 Serbia has launched a significant scientific exchange with China, sending 18 researchers to study in Chinese institutions under a three-year program. 该倡议旨在派遣总共50名塞尔维亚科学家,以获得绿色能源和生物医学等领域的先进知识。 This initiative aims to send a total of 50 Serbian scientists to gain advanced knowledge in fields like green energy and biomedicine. 该方案是中国天才青年科学家方案(TYSP)的一部分,提供6至12个月的职位安排。 The program is part of China's Talented Young Scientist Program (TYSP), offering placements of six to 12 months. 塞尔维亚部长耶莱娜·贝戈维奇和中国大使李明出席了一次研究人员招待会,标志着双边科学合作进入一个新阶段。 Serbian Minister Jelena Begovic and Chinese Ambassador Li Ming attended a reception for the researchers, marking a new phase in bilateral scientific collaboration.