卡塔尔推出验证外国文件的在线服务,协助数字转换。 Qatar launches online service for attesting foreign documents, aiding digital transformation.
卡塔尔外交部启动了一个在线服务,用于在国外提供文件证明,简化手续,支持该国数字转型目标。 Qatar's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has launched an online service for document attestation abroad, simplifying processes and supporting the country's digital transformation goals. 这一服务允许从法律上承认外国文件,如教育证书和个人身份文件,这些文件可由卡塔尔驻外外交使团认证。 The service allows for the legal recognition of foreign documents like educational certificates and personal status papers, which can be authenticated by Qatar’s diplomatic missions overseas. 教育证书必须来自卡塔尔教育和高等教育部认可的大学。 Educational certificates must come from universities recognized by Qatar's Ministry of Education and Higher Education.