2024年,决策者努力为日益缩小的科罗拉多河制定新的水资源分享规则。 In 2024, policymakers grappled with new water-sharing rules for the shrinking Colorado River.
2024年,科罗拉多河面临重大挑战,因为决策者在2026年现行规则到期之前努力商定新的水分享准则。 In 2024, the Colorado River faced significant challenges as policymakers struggled to agree on new water-sharing guidelines ahead of 2026, when current rules expire. 随着气候变化使河流缩小,联邦政府测试了农民的节水方案,而城市则投资于工程项目,以扩大供水。 With climate change shrinking the river, the federal government tested water conservation programs for farmers, while cities invested in engineering projects to extend water supplies. 环境团体注意到鲍威尔湖的生境回归,但科罗拉多河三角洲的未来仍然不确定,有待美国和墨西哥进行谈判。 Environmental groups noted habitat returns in Lake Powell, but the future of the Colorado River Delta remains uncertain, pending negotiations between the U.S. and Mexico.