科罗拉多河不断萎缩威胁到美国的粮食供应,特别是冬季的粮食供应,因为2026年的水协定即将到来。 Shrinking Colorado River threatens U.S. food supply, especially winter produce, as 2026 water pact looms.
对美国15%的农业至关重要的科罗拉多河正在萎缩,它威胁到国家的粮食供应,特别是来自南加利福尼亚帝国河谷的冬季产品,而该河完全依赖这条河。 The shrinking Colorado River, crucial for 15% of US agriculture, threatens the nation's food supply, especially winter produce from the Imperial Valley in Southern California, which relies entirely on the river. 随着水位下降,农民正面临艰难决定和财政负担。 With water levels decreasing, farmers are facing tough decisions and financial burdens. 目前的用水协议于2026年结束,七个州和墨西哥之间必须达成一项新协议,否则开水局将进行干预。 The current water usage agreement ends in 2026, and a new deal must be reached among the seven states and Mexico, or the Bureau of Reclamation will intervene.