比起年轻的亚历山大·奥卡西奥-科尔特斯(Alexandria Ocassio-Cortez),格里·康诺利(Gerry Connolly)赢得了最高民主党委员会的角色。 Older Rep. Gerry Connolly wins top Democratic committee role over younger Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
在最近的民主党领导人竞选中, 74岁的众议员杰里·康诺利击败了年轻的进步派众议员亚历山大·奥卡西奥-科尔特斯, In a recent Democratic Party leadership race, 74-year-old Rep. Gerry Connolly defeated younger progressive Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for the top spot on the House Oversight Committee. 这一结果突出表明了该党内持续存在的代际分歧,较年长、经验较丰富的领导人比较年轻的、进步的领导人更受青睐。 This outcome highlights the ongoing generational divide within the party, with older, more experienced leaders preferred over younger, progressive ones. 尽管遭到损失,但该党还任命了几名年轻的立法者担任关键职位,目的是在经验与新思想之间取得平衡。 Despite the loss, the party has also appointed several younger lawmakers to key positions, aiming to balance experience with fresh ideas.