Boyd县因毒品指控被起诉;Burke县逮捕了超过615克芬太尼。 Boyd County indicts on drug charges; Burke County seizes over 615 grams of fentanyl in arrests.
Boyd县起诉了多人,罪名包括贩毒、盗窃和持有毒品。 Boyd County has indicted multiple individuals on charges including drug trafficking, theft, and possession. 同时,在Burke县,Lisa Hall和Keith Johnson在针对毒品活动的社区警务行动之后,因重罪毒品指控被捕。 Meanwhile, in Burke County, Lisa Hall and Keith Johnson were arrested for felony drug charges after a community policing operation targeting drug activity. 最近查获了超过615克芬太尼,当局指出只有2毫克的芬太尼可致命。 Over 615 grams of fentanyl have been seized recently, with authorities noting that just two milligrams can be lethal.