卡诺的Kwanar Gafan Tomato市场关闭了有关非法活动的报道,面临贸易商的反弹。 Kano's Kwanar Gafan Tomato Market closes over reports of illegal activities, facing trader backlash.
尼日利亚卡诺州Kwanar Gafan Tomato市场因卖淫和同性恋等非法活动的报道而被无限期关闭。 The Kwanar Gafan Tomato Market in Kano State, Nigeria, has been closed indefinitely due to reports of illegal activities such as prostitution and homosexuality. 当地政府主席将2025年1月1日定为交易商撤离的期限。 The local government chairman set a deadline of January 1, 2025, for traders to vacate. 审查后将宣布重新开放的日期。 A reopening date will be announced after a review. 这一决定引起了居民的不同反应,有些人支持道德改革,另一些人则担心经济影响。 The decision has sparked mixed reactions from residents, with some supporting moral reform and others worried about economic effects.