JSMM领导人谴责巴基斯坦在阿富汗的轰炸,呼吁联合国采取行动并进行监督。 JSMM leader condemns Pakistan's bombing in Afghanistan, calls for UN action and oversight.
JSMM领导人Shafi Burfat强烈谴责巴基斯坦最近轰炸阿富汗帕克蒂卡地区, 炸死46名平民。 Shafi Burfat, leader of JSMM, strongly condemned Pakistan's recent bombing in Afghanistan's Paktika region, which killed over 46 civilians. 他称这一行为违反国际法,并敦促联合国和国际社会追究巴基斯坦的责任。 He labeled the act as a violation of international law and urged the UN and global community to hold Pakistan accountable. Burfat还呼吁对巴基斯坦的核和导弹能力进行国际监督,以防止误用和进一步破坏稳定。 Burfat also called for international oversight of Pakistan's nuclear and missile capabilities to prevent misuse and further destabilization.