印度科学家发现深海热液喷口,其矿物丰富,对技术至关重要。 Indian scientists discover deep-sea hydrothermal vent, rich in minerals vital for technology.
印度科学家在印度洋深4 500米处发现了一个活性热液喷口,标志着该国深海任务的一个重要里程碑。 Indian scientists have discovered an active hydrothermal vent 4,500 meters deep in the Indian Ocean, marking a significant milestone in the country's Deep Ocean Mission. 这是印度研究人员首次直接观察这种喷口,深入了解镍、钴和锰等稀有矿物,这些矿物对于现代技术至关重要,也是通过化学合成而繁荣的独特生态系统。 This is the first direct observation of such a vent by Indian researchers, providing insights into rare minerals like nickel, cobalt, and manganese, vital for modern technology, and unique ecosystems that thrive via chemosynthesis. 这项任务由国家海洋技术研究所和国家极地和海洋研究中心合作进行,目的是增进对深海环境及其潜在资源的了解。 The mission, a collaborative effort by the National Institute of Ocean Technology and the National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research, aims to advance understanding of deep-sea environments and their potential resources.