东太平洋海隆喷口下发现多种生命形式,对以前关于生态系统可行性的信念提出了挑战。 Discovery of diverse life forms beneath East Pacific Rise vents challenges previous beliefs about ecosystem viability.
研究人员在南美洲以外的东太平洋海隆热液喷口之下发现了一个以前未知的生态系统。 Researchers have discovered a previously unknown ecosystem beneath hydrothermal vents at the East Pacific Rise, off South America. 这次考察揭示了各种动物生命,包括巨型管虫、蠕虫和蜗牛,挑战了早先认为只有微生物才能生存的信念。 The expedition revealed diverse animal life, including giant tubeworms, worms, and snails, challenging earlier beliefs that only microbes could survive there. 这一调查结果表明,幼虫在与海水一起被拖入海底后,可在海底下定居。 This finding suggests that larvae may settle in the subseafloor after being drawn in with seawater. 该研究强调需要进一步勘探和保护深海生境。 The study highlights the need for further exploration and protection of deep-sea habitats.