南非的非法互助贸易威胁到植物生存,而全球需求和犯罪却助长了植物生存。 Illegal succulent trade in South Africa threatens plant survival, fueled by global demand and crime.
南非的抗生素植物非法贸易威胁着它们的生存,由于全球需求高企,某些物种已经灭绝。 Illegal trade in South Africa's succulent plants is threatening their survival, with some species already extinct due to high global demand. 有组织犯罪集团利用这种需求,加剧了这一问题,特别是在这一大流行病期间。 Organized crime groups exploit this demand, exacerbating the problem, especially during the pandemic. 南非制定了一项打击偷猎的战略,包括社区方案。 South Africa has introduced a strategy to combat poaching, including community programs. 保护者警告买主避免购买野生养料以减少非法贸易。 Conservationists warn buyers to avoid purchasing wild succulents to reduce illegal trade.