入侵物种正通过进口植物进入联合王国和欧洲,对当地生态系统构成威胁。 Invasive species are entering the UK and Europe via imported plants, threatening local ecosystems.
蛇、青蛙和昆虫等入侵物种正通过进口植物和鲜花运入英国和欧洲,对当地生态系统和农业构成威胁。 Invasive species like snakes, frogs, and insects are being transported into the UK and Europe through imported plants and flowers, posing risks to local ecosystems and agriculture. 尽管有规章条例,但植物贸易量巨大,难以拦截所有害虫,特别是气候变化可能使更多物种生存下来。 Despite regulations, the vast volume of plant trade makes it hard to intercept all pests, especially as climate change could allow more species to survive. 研究人员呼吁制定更好的行业标准和条例,以应对这一日益增长的威胁。 Researchers call for better industry standards and regulation to address this growing threat.