印度教团体以宗教不敏感为由强迫Zomato送货员脱掉圣诞老人服装。 Hindu group forced Zomato delivery man to remove Santa costume, citing religious insensitivity.
印度印度教团体「Hindu Jagran Manch」成员在圣诞节送食物时, 要求印多尔的Zomato食品运送代理人脱掉圣诞老人服装。 A Zomato food delivery agent in Indore was asked to remove his Santa Claus costume by members of the Hindu group 'Hindu Jagran Manch' while delivering food on Christmas Day. 这起事件记录在视频中, 引发关于宗教敏感性与自由的辩论。 The incident, captured in a viral video, sparked debate over religious sensitivity and freedom. 该团体质疑服装是否合适, 提出替代方式, The group questioned the appropriateness of the costume, suggesting alternatives like dressing as Indian freedom fighters instead. 送货员说他在遵守Zomato的假日政策 The delivery agent said he was following Zomato's holiday policy.