国会议员拉胡尔·甘地(Rahul Gandhi)讨论印度的宗教自由,强调锡克教权利,而印度人民党领导人RP辛格威胁要采取法律行动。 Congress MP Rahul Gandhi discusses religious freedom in India, emphasizing Sikh rights, while BJP leader RP Singh threatens legal action.
在弗吉尼亚州举行的一次活动期间,国会议员Rahul Gandhi讨论了印度的宗教自由问题,强调锡克教徒戴头巾和访问Gurdwaras的权利。 During an event in Virginia, Congress MP Rahul Gandhi discussed the issue of religious freedom in India, emphasizing the right of Sikhs to wear turbans and visit Gurdwaras. 他将这场斗争描绘成争取个人身份和自由的斗争,影响到所有宗教。 He framed the struggle as one for personal identity and freedom, affecting all religions. 作为回应,印度人民党领导人 RP Singh 威胁要对甘地的言论采取法律行动,并回顾了国大党统治下针对锡克教徒的历史暴力。 In response, BJP leader RP Singh threatened legal action against Gandhi for his remarks, recalling historical violence against Sikhs under Congress rule.