希腊警方警告司机使用雪链, 因为恶劣天气在滑雪胜地附近造成交通堵塞。 Greek police warn drivers to use snow chains as bad weather causes traffic jams near ski resorts.
希腊交通警察警告司机,在滑雪胜地附近发生交通堵塞,汽车被卡住后,在冰冷和雪地地区使用雪链。 Greek traffic police are warning drivers to use snow chains in icy and snowy areas after traffic jams occurred near ski resorts, with cars getting stuck. 帕纳索斯滑雪胜地因天气恶劣而关闭,圣诞节5公里的交通堵塞是电动车辆破损造成的,其他车辆在没有适当的冬季设备的情况下无法行动。 The Parnassos ski resort was closed due to bad weather, and a 5-kilometer traffic jam on Christmas Day was caused by electric vehicles breaking down and others being immobilized without proper winter equipment. 预计山区将出现新的寒冷面,雨量大、风强、积雪。 A new cold front with heavy rain, strong winds, and snow is expected in mountainous regions.