风暴 Elena 在圣诞节后导致希腊各地发生洪水、交通拥堵和道路封闭。 Storm Elena causes flooding, traffic jams, and road closures across Greece post-Christmas.
自圣诞节以来,风暴埃琳娜在希腊造成了严重的洪水和交通中断。 Storm Elena has caused significant flooding and traffic disruptions in Greece since Christmas. 在雅典,强降雨淹没了房屋,冲走了汽车,并关闭了道路,包括因降雪而通往帕尼塔山的道路。 In Athens, heavy rainfall flooded houses, swept away cars, and closed roads, including those leading to Mount Parnitha due to snow. 帕纳苏斯山附近形成了 5 公里的交通堵塞,连接雅典和伯罗奔尼撒半岛的部分高速公路被关闭。 A 5-km traffic jam formed near Mount Parnassus, and parts of the highway linking Athens to the Peloponnese Peninsula were closed. 国家气象局预计到周五情况将有所改善。 The National Meteorological Service expects conditions to improve by Friday.