5个远足者因为恶劣的天气 取消了Scafell派克的攀登 但最终都平安无事 Five hikers called off their Scafell Pike climb due to harsh weather, but all ended up safe.
12月21日, 20名远足者试图爬上Scafell Pike, 但却面临恶劣天气, On December 21, 20 hikers attempted to climb Scafell Pike but faced harsh weather, leading five to contact Cumbria Police to turn back. 瓦斯代尔山区救援队受到警告,但收到一个后续电话,确认所有人都安全,几乎回到他们的汽车上。 The Wasdale Mountain Rescue Team was alerted but received a follow-up call confirming all were safe and nearly back at their cars. 团队祝愿大家圣诞快乐。 The team wished everyone a Merry Christmas.