迪拜理事会重申承诺通过自由区促进经济增长和多样化。 Dubai's council renews commitment to boost economic growth and diversification through free zones.
迪拜自由区理事会(DFZC)再次承诺支持迪拜的经济增长和多样化目标。 The Dubai Free Zones Council (DFZC) has renewed its commitment to supporting Dubai's economic growth and diversification goals. 在最近举行的会议上,理事会强调了2024年取得的成功,包括吸引外国投资和通过技术提高业务效率方面的改善。 During its recent meeting, the council highlighted successes from 2024, including improvements in attracting foreign investment and boosting operational efficiency through technology. 该理事会旨在进一步加强自由区在实现迪拜经济议程方面的作用,该议程力求在今后十年内使该市的经济增加一倍。 The council aims to further enhance the free zones' role in achieving Dubai's economic agenda, which seeks to double the city's economy over the next decade.