温哥华的圣诞夜碰撞 杀死了摩托车手 严重伤害了乘客 Christmas Eve collision in Vancouver kills motorcyclist, seriously injures passenger.
在圣诞节前夕,在温哥华的Kitsilano街区,一辆摩托车和一辆SUV之间发生了致命碰撞。 On Christmas Eve, a fatal collision occurred in Vancouver's Kitsilano neighborhood between a motorcycle and an SUV. 据报告,大约下午4时25分发生事故,造成44岁的摩托车手死亡,一名女乘客身受危及生命的伤。 The accident, reported around 4:25 p.m., resulted in the death of the 44-year-old motorcyclist and left a female passenger with life-threatening injuries. 温哥华警察局正在对此事件进行调查。 The incident is under investigation by the Vancouver Police Department.