温哥华市中心与皮卡车相撞,电单车司机死亡;涉及超速、闯红灯。 Motorcyclist dies in downtown Vancouver crash with pickup truck; speeding, red light violation involved.
周五晚上,一名摩托车手在温哥华市中心与一辆道奇皮卡车相撞时丧生。 A motorcyclist died in a crash with a Dodge pickup truck in downtown Vancouver on Friday night. 摩托车手在 20 英里/小时的区域以 70-80 英里/小时的速度超速行驶,在红灯前未能停车,而皮卡司机则持有绿灯并留在现场。 The motorcyclist was speeding at 70-80 mph in a 20 mph zone and failed to stop at a red traffic light, while the pickup driver had a green signal and stayed at the scene. 温哥华警察局和交通部门正在调查这起事件,这是该市三天内发生的第二起致命车祸。 The Vancouver Police Department and Traffic Unit are investigating the incident, which is the second fatal collision in three days in the city.