中国展示了新型无尾无尾无尾的隐形战斗机,有可能威胁印度领空。 China reveals a new, tail-less stealth fighter jet, potentially threatening India's airspace.
显示中国新型无尾无尾无尾的隐形战斗机, 可能是第6代旨在躲避雷达探测的飞机。 A video has surfaced online showing a new, tail-less stealth fighter jet from China, potentially a 6th-generation aircraft designed to evade radar detection. 这可能会对印度构成威胁,因为印度没有一架隐形战斗机。 This could pose a threat to India, which lacks a stealth fighter jet. 飞机的设计,包括一个钻石式的机翼和可能的三引擎配置,表明重点是隐形和长程能力。 The aircraft's design, including a diamond-style wing and possible three-engine configuration, suggests a focus on stealth and long-range capability. 中国政府尚未正式对新飞机发表评论。 The Chinese government has not officially commented on the new aircraft.