2024年来自中国塔克拉玛干沙漠的卫星图像显示了美国F-22和F-35战斗机的模型,暗示正在进行射击练习。 2024 satellite images from China's Taklamakan Desert reveal mock-ups of US F-22 and F-35 fighter jets, suggesting target practice.
来自中国塔克拉玛干沙漠的卫星图像显示了包括F-22在内的美国第五代战斗机的模型,以及带有爆炸痕迹和弹坑的跑道。 Satellite images from China's Taklamakan Desert show mock-ups of US fifth-generation fighter jets, including the F-22, accompanied by a runway with blast marks and craters. 这些模型表明中国可能利用该地区进行射击练习,而且这并不是第一次在该国发现此类证据。 These mock-ups suggest China may be using the area for target practice, and it's not the first time such evidence has been found in the country. 这些图像由 Planet Labs PBC 于 2024 年 4 月 19 日拍摄,还显示了飞机中明显的 F-35 模型。 The images, captured by Planet Labs PBC on April 19, 2024, also reveal apparent F-35 mock-ups among the aircraft.