中国提出了加强商业法治、保护产权的五年计划。 China outlines five-year plan to enhance rule of law in business, protect property rights.
中国最高人民法院制定了五年司法改革计划,目的是在商业领域加强法治。 China's Supreme People's Court has outlined a five-year judicial reform plan aimed at enhancing the rule of law in the business environment. 该计划从2024年到2028年侧重于平等地保护所有所有权形式的财产权,并改善复杂案件的司法程序。 The plan, from 2024 to 2028, focuses on protecting property rights equally across all ownership forms and improving judicial processes for complex cases. 它还寻求防止和纠正影响企业的不公正法律决定,并更严格地管理保存程序。 It also seeks to prevent and correct unjust legal decisions affecting enterprises and to regulate preservation procedures more strictly.