英国皇家家族面临对拳击日狩猎传统的审查 特别是乔治王子的介入 British royal family faces scrutiny over Boxing Day hunting tradition, especially Prince George's involvement.
英国皇家家族因其在拳击日打猎的传统而面临批评,包括乔治王子五岁时的参与。 The British royal family faces criticism for their tradition of hunting on Boxing Day, including Prince George's participation at age five. 哈利王子等皇室不再打猎了 受梅根·马克的影响 其他人则继续这种传统 While some royals like Prince Harry have quit hunting, influenced by Meghan Markle, others continue the tradition. 该条建议家庭可以重新考虑这种做法,因为人们日益关注动物福利和改变社会价值观,尽管它们在养护努力中发挥作用。 The article suggests the family might reconsider the practice due to growing concerns about animal welfare and shifting societal values, despite their roles in conservation efforts.