查尔斯国王在伊丽莎白王后去世后 和哈利王子家人不在后 放松了皇家圣诞传统 King Charles relaxes royal Christmas traditions following Queen Elizabeth's death and Prince Harry's family absence.
皇家家族的圣诞节庆祝活动将延续官方贺卡、慈善活动、歌唱等传统, The Royal Family's Christmas celebrations will continue traditions like official cards, charity events, and carol singing, but with a more relaxed atmosphere under King Charles. 哈里王子和梅根·马克尔的孩子阿奇和莉莉贝特的缺席,以及没有英国女王伊丽莎白二世的第三个圣诞节,将让人深感痛心。 The absence of Archie and Lilibet, children of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, and the third Christmas without Queen Elizabeth II will be deeply felt. 预计查尔斯国王的要求会降低, 允许更宽松的着装规范 以及更早的客人启程。 King Charles is expected to be less demanding, allowing for a more relaxed dress code and earlier departures for guests.