阿塞拜疆航空公司飞机在哈萨克斯坦Aktau附近坠毁;据报幸存者伤亡人数不明。 Azerbaijani Airlines plane crashes near Aktau, Kazakhstan; survivors reported, casualties unclear.
阿塞拜疆航空公司一架Embraer 190飞机在紧急降落时在哈萨克斯坦Aktau附近坠毁。 An Azerbaijani Airlines Embraer 190 plane crashed near Aktau, Kazakhstan, during an emergency landing. 当地报告显示,有67名乘客和5名机组人员在船上,但正式计票尚待进行。 Local reports suggest 67 passengers and five crew members were on board, but the official count is pending. 紧急服务正在作出反应,对坠机原因的调查正在进行中。 Emergency services are responding, and the investigation into the cause of the crash is ongoing. 据报有一些幸存者,但伤亡的确切人数仍然不明。 Some survivors have been reported, though the exact number of casualties is still unknown.