航空事故和航空停机事件凸显了2024年的航空业陷入困境。 Aviation accidents and airline shutdowns highlight 2024's troubled aviation industry.
2024年发生了许多航空事故,包括日本航空公司坠机、波音737型MAX 9型机身分离、新加坡航空公司一架航班严重动荡、巴西一次空中灾难和阿塞拜疆航空公司坠机。 The year 2024 saw numerous aviation accidents, including a Japan Airlines crash, a Boeing 737 MAX 9 fuselage separation, severe turbulence on a Singapore Airlines flight, a Brazil air disaster, and an Azerbaijan Airlines crash. 该行业面临供应链问题和波音公司的斗争等挑战,导致七家航空公司停业。 The industry faced challenges like supply chain issues and Boeing's struggles, leading to the shutdown of seven carriers. 美国值得注意的事件包括调查阿拉斯加航空公司的门爆裂事件、弗朗西斯·斯科特·基桥倒塌事件、对伊森·克鲁贝利父母的判刑以及Alec Baldwin在“鲁斯特”案中无罪释放。 Notable U.S. events included the investigation into an Alaska Airlines door blowout, the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse, the sentencing of Ethan Crumbley's parents, and the acquittal of Alec Baldwin in the "Rust" case.