由于最近波音公司的事故,空难幸存者和家属对飞行产生了新的恐惧。 Plane crash survivors and families experience renewed fear of flying due to recent Boeing incidents.
近期波音飞机事故发生后,空难幸存者和遇难者家属对飞行产生了新的恐惧。 Plane crash survivors and families of victims are experiencing renewed fear of flying after recent incidents involving Boeing jets. 今年 1 月阿拉斯加航空公司的飞机插入式舱门爆裂事故,让像巴布·汉德利这样的幸存者回忆起了痛苦的回忆,她的母亲在 1989 年的一次类似事故中丧生。 The Alaska Airlines plug door blowout in January brought back traumatic memories for survivors like Barb Handley, whose mother died in a similar 1989 accident. 这些事件加剧了人们对该行业安全措施和尽职调查的担忧。 The incidents have heightened concerns about safety measures and due diligence in the industry.