在警察在Pilibhit遇到警察后,三具涉嫌恐怖分子的尸体在一辆撞伤的救护车事件中被损坏。 Three suspected terrorists' bodies were damaged in a rammed ambulance incident after a police encounter in Pilibhit.
一辆载有 Khalistan Zindabad 部队三名恐怖分子嫌疑人尸体的救护车在 Pilibhit 的一次警察遭遇中丧生,在兰普尔旁路被一辆不明车辆撞毁。 An ambulance carrying the bodies of three suspected terrorists from the Khalistan Zindabad Force, killed in a police encounter in Pilibhit, was rammed by an unknown vehicle on the Rampur bypass. 未报告有人受伤,但救护车被损坏。 No injuries were reported, but the ambulance was damaged. 尸体随后被转送到另一辆救护车上。 The bodies were then transferred to another ambulance. 据称,嫌疑人参与了对 Gurdaspur 警察哨所的手榴弹袭击,并被旁遮普邦和北方邦警方的联合小组击毙。 The suspects were allegedly involved in a grenade attack on a police post in Gurdaspur and were killed by a joint team of Punjab and Uttar Pradesh police.