最高法院限制获取从圣地亚哥马丁“彩票国王”手中没收的数字数据,以保护隐私。 Supreme Court restricts access to digital data seized from "lottery king" Santiago Martin, protecting privacy.
最高法院禁止执法局获取或复制在搜查圣地亚哥·马丁(Santiago Martin)及其同伙时没收的电子装置的数据。 The Supreme Court has barred the Enforcement Directorate from accessing or copying data from electronic devices seized during searches of "lottery king" Santiago Martin and his associates. 这些搜查是调查梅加拉亚非法彩票交易指控的一部分。 The searches were part of an investigation into allegations of illegal lottery business operations in Meghalaya. 法院的命令支持为保护隐私而扣押数字装置的准则,可以为今后的案件开创一个重要的先例。 The court's order, which supports guidelines for digital device seizures to protect privacy, could set a significant precedent for future cases.