西班牙国王费利佩六世向洪水灾民致敬, 在移民辩论中呼吁民族团结。 Spanish King Felipe VI honors flood victims and calls for national unity amid immigration debates.
西班牙国王费利佩六世(Felipe VI)在圣诞节前夕的演讲中, 向10月巴伦西亚水灾的遇难者致敬, In his Christmas Eve speech, Spanish King Felipe VI honored the victims of the October Valencia floods, which killed over 225 people. 他敦促全国在就移民和住房问题进行辩论时保持平静,呼吁开展有效的灾害协调和提供更负担得起的住房。 He urged national calm amid debates on immigration and housing, calling for effective disaster coordination and more affordable housing. 国王强调了就移民问题进行对话和思考的重要性,强调必须维护西班牙的民主原则。 The King emphasized the importance of dialogue and reflection on immigration, stressing the need to maintain Spain's democratic principles.