查尔斯三世国王和卡米拉王后就200多人死亡的洪水向西班牙表示哀悼。 King Charles III and Queen Camilla express condolences to Spain over floods that killed 200+.
查尔斯三世国王和卡米拉王后在给西班牙费利佩六世国王的一封信中就最近造成200多人死亡的灾难性洪灾表示深切悲痛。 King Charles III and Queen Camilla have expressed deep sorrow in a letter to King Felipe VI of Spain regarding the recent catastrophic floods that claimed over 200 lives. 皇室夫妇向西班牙人民表示衷心哀悼,并强调他们与西班牙的密切关系。 The royal couple offered heartfelt condolences to the Spanish people and emphasized their strong ties with Spain. 与此同时,西班牙军队正在协助救援和援助工作,因为局势仍然危急,基础设施和医院据报受到严重破坏。 Meanwhile, the Spanish army is assisting with rescue and aid efforts as the situation remains critical, with significant damage reported to infrastructure and hospitals.