Sheikha Latifa揭幕式报告显示,迪拜的创意部门蓬勃发展,为2022年的GDP贡献了219.6亿阿塞拜疆第纳尔。 Sheikha Latifa unveils report showing Dubai's creative sector boomed, contributing AED21.96 billion to GDP in 2022.
Sheikh Latifa bint Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum揭幕了一篇题为“创意迪拜:导航明天的创意景观”的报告, Sheikha Latifa bint Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum has unveiled a report titled 'Creative Dubai: Navigating Tomorrow's Creative Landscape,' highlighting the emirate's achievements in cultural and creative industries. 该报告与DinarStandard合作编写,显示迪拜的创意部门在2022年产生了219.6亿AED21.96亿AED,占国内生产总值的4.6%。 The report, developed with DinarStandard, shows Dubai's creative sector generated AED21.96 billion in 2022, contributing 4.6% to the GDP. 2023年,它也吸引了898项外国直接投资,使资本达到118亿AED。 It also attracted 898 foreign direct investments in 2023, bringing in AED11.8 billion in capital. 该部门拥有47,544家公司和175,727名雇员,使迪拜成为创意经济中的领先者,拥有强大的基础设施和充满活力的文化环境。 The sector houses 47,544 companies and 175,727 employees, positioning Dubai as a leader in the creative economy with robust infrastructure and a vibrant cultural environment.