迪拜经济在2024年增长3.1%,在贸易、运输和金融的推动下,朝着2033年的目标前进。 Dubai's economy grew 3.1% in 2024, fueled by trade, transport, and finance, pushing towards its 2033 goals.
在2024年头九个月中,迪拜经济增长了3.1%,达到3 394亿阿塞拜疆第纳尔,由批发贸易、运输和金融等部门驱动。 In the first nine months of 2024, Dubai's economy grew by 3.1%, reaching AED339.4 billion, driven by sectors like wholesale trade, transportation, and finance. 这一增长与迪拜雄心勃勃的计划,即迪拜经济议程D33相一致,其目的是到2033年使迪拜成为全球三大城市之一。 This growth aligns with Dubai's ambitious plan, the Dubai Economic Agenda D33, aiming to make Dubai one of the top three global cities by 2033.