Schenectady的消防队长Donald Mareno在30年后退休;助理局长伯恩斯将担任临时领导。 Schenectady's Fire Chief Donald Mareno, after 30 years, retires; Assistant Chief Burns will lead interim.
已经服务了30多年的Schenectady消防队长Donald Mareno 宣布从2025年1月7日起退休。 Schenectady Fire Chief Donald Mareno, who has served over 30 years, announced his retirement effective January 7, 2025. Mareno, 局长三年来一直认为这一决定很困难, 因为他与消防部门的关系很深。 Mareno, chief for three years, found the decision difficult due to his deep connection to the fire service. 市长Gary McCarthy赞扬Mareno的职业生涯,强调设备和培训方面的改进。 Mayor Gary McCarthy praised Mareno's career, highlighting improvements in equipment and training. 助理主任乔治·伯恩斯将领导该部门,直到选定继任人为止。 Assistant Chief George Burns will lead the department until a successor is chosen.