拜登总统以政治动机为由否决了一项两党法案,以增加66名联邦法官。 President Biden vetoed a bipartisan bill to add 66 federal judges, citing political motives.
总统Joe Biden否决了两党法案, 该法案旨在增加66名新联邦区法官职位, President Joe Biden has vetoed a bipartisan bill that aimed to add 66 new federal district judgeships, citing concerns over the "hurried" process and unanswered questions about the allocation of new positions. 参议院一致通过的该法案本来会将新的任命分配到十多年,以避免政治优势。 The bill, which had passed the Senate unanimously, would have spread new appointments over more than a decade to avoid political advantage. 然而,拜登辩称,共和党领导的众议院在选举之后才推迟投票,这表明了政治动机,而不是需要解决司法积压问题。 However, Biden argued that the Republican-led House's delay in voting until after the election suggested political motives rather than a need to address judicial backlogs.