市议会讨论无家可归营地的新办法,旨在平衡同情和安全。 City council to discuss new approaches for homeless encampments, aiming to balance compassion with safety.
市议会将讨论处理无家可归者营地的新办法。 The city council is set to discuss new approaches for handling homeless encampments. 拟议的修改旨在平衡人道主义关切与公共安全和卫生问题,尽管计划的具体细节尚不明确。 The proposed changes aim to balance humanitarian concerns with public safety and health issues, though specific details of the plans are not yet clear. 该理事会希望制定一项更加有效和富有同情心的战略,以解决该城市日益严重的无家可归问题。 The council hopes to create a more effective and compassionate strategy to address the growing issue of homelessness in the city.