巴基斯坦法官Mansoor Ali Shah 回避职务,批评法官任命程序。 Pakistani judge Mansoor Ali Shah recuses from duties, criticizes judge appointment process.
巴基斯坦高级法官Mansoor Ali Shah不再履行最高法院的行政职责,拒绝签署任何行政案卷。 Pakistani Senior Judge Justice Mansoor Ali Shah has recused himself from his administrative duties in the Supreme Court, refusing to sign any administrative files. 他在信中批评缺乏任命宪法法官的标准,并反对情报机构参与任命过程。 In a letter, he criticized the lack of criteria for appointing judges to constitutional benches and opposed involving intelligence agencies in the appointment process. Shah呼吁为司法任命制定符合宪法标准的更明确的规则和机制。 Shah has called for clearer rules and mechanisms for judicial appointments that align with constitutional standards.