官员警告节日驾车危险,敦促清醒的司机和在路上谨慎行事。 Officials warn of holiday driving dangers, urging sober drivers and caution on the roads.
Gwinnett县治安官办公室和Georgia AAA正在警告司机在节日期间驾驶失灵和分散注意力的危险。 The Gwinnett County Sheriff's Office and Georgia AAA are warning drivers about the dangers of impaired and distracted driving during the holiday season. 随着交通流量的增加,他们建议指定一名清醒的司机,使用搭便车共享服务,并避免像电话那样分散注意力。 With increased traffic, they advise designating a sober driver, using rideshare services, and avoiding distractions like phones. AAA的Tow to Go计划帮助受困的司机, The AAA's Tow to Go program helps stranded drivers and removes impaired drivers from the road. 当局提醒司机遵守交通法,使用安全带,并谨慎驾驶。 Authorities remind drivers to follow traffic laws, use seat belts, and drive cautiously.