12月12日,2024年12月12日,上梅里昂镇警察在家庭对峙中致命枪杀了一名男子。 On 12/12/2024, Upper Merion Township police fatally shot a man during a home confrontation.
2024年12月12日,一名男子在家中发生对峙后,被上梅里昂镇警察枪杀。 On December 12, 2024, a man was fatally shot by Upper Merion Township police after a confrontation at his home. 事件发生在警察对一名持刀男子的报告作出回应之后。 The incident occurred after police responded to a report of a man with a knife. 军官试图缓和局势,并使用泰瑟枪,但该男子继续朝他们前进,导致致命枪击。 Officers tried to de-escalate the situation and used a taser, but the man continued to advance towards them, leading to the fatal shooting. 这些官员现在休行政假,Bucks县地方检察官办公室正在调查此案。 The officers are now on administrative leave, and the case is under investigation by the Bucks County District Attorney's Office.